Recommended: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Rabies

🇧🇴 Bolivia
Immerse yourself in the cultural richness of Bolivia, a country known for its stunning landscapes, ancient ruins, and indigenous traditions. From the vibrant markets of La Paz to the awe-inspiring salt flats of Uyuni, Bolivia offers a unique experience that will captivate your senses.


Current Time
11:48 PM - America/La_Paz

Dialing Code

Driving direction

Wild Camping
Not officially regulated

How is the Weather in Bolivia?
Today in La Paz
9 km/h
06:37 AM
06:37 PM
Health Questions


Water Safety
Tap water is generally not safe to drink. It is recommended to drink bottled or boiled water.

Emergency Numbers
Police: 110
Fire Services: 119
Ambulance Services: 118

Alcohol Restrictions
Drinking age: 18
Purchase age: 18
Travel Guides
- Salar De UyuniThe Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is an otherworldly stretch of salty white plains bound to mesmerize you.4 stops
- BoliviaBolivia, a land of stunning contrasts and rich cultural heritage, offers travelers a unique and unforgettable experience.6 stops
- La PazLa Paz, the capital city of Bolivia, is a stunning destination known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking natural landscapes.2 stops
- Peru And BoliviaDiscover the awe-inspiring landscapes, rich cultures, and ancient histories of Peru and Bolivia with this comprehensive travel guide.9 stops
- La PazLa Paz, officially known as Nuestra Señora de La Paz, is the de facto capital of Bolivia and is the seat of government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
- PotosiPotosí, known as Villa Imperial de Potosí in the colonial period, is the capital city and a municipality of the Department of Potosí in Bolivia.
- TupizaTupiza is a city in Potosí Department, Bolivia.
- TiwanakuTiwanaku is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca, about 70 kilometers from La Paz, and it is one of the largest sites in South America.