Recommended: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, TBE, Rabies

🇪🇪 Estonia
Experience the enchantment of Estonia, a hidden gem nestled in the Baltics. From the fairytale streets of Tallinn's Old Town to the pristine forests and beautiful coastlines, Estonia offers a unique blend of rich culture, medieval history, and breathtaking natural landscapes. Discover charming villages, traditional saunas, and warm hospitality that will leave you spellbound.


Current Time
05:46 AM - Europe/Tallinn

Dialing Code

Driving direction

Wild Camping

How is the Weather in Estonia?
Today in Tallinn
11 km/h
05:55 AM
06:55 PM
Health Questions


Water Safety
Tap water is generally safe to drink, but bottled water is widely available.

Emergency Numbers
Police: 112
Fire Services: 112
Ambulance Services: 112

Alcohol Restrictions
Drinking age: 18
Purchase age: 18
Travel Guides
- Estonia Round TripEstonia, a Baltic jewel, is a perfect blend of history, nature, and modernity.7 stops
- Christmas In TallinnThe festive season in Tallinn has a charm like no other.One stop
- TallinnTallinn is a bustling coastal city located in Estonia, known for its rich history and cultural heritage.One stop
- Baltic Coastal RoadThe Baltic Coastal Road, stretching from the northern tip of Poland to Estonia, is one of the most scenic and culturally rich routes in Northern Europe.11 stops
- Estonian Coastal RoadThe Estonian Coastal Road offers a journey through some of Northern Europe’s most pristine natural landscapes and historic sites.5 stops
- Matsalu National ParkMatsalu National Park is a nature reserve and national park situated in Lääne and Pärnu Counties, Estonia.
- Soomaa National ParkSoomaa National Park is a national park in south-western Estonia.
- HiiumaaHiiumaa is the second largest island in Estonia and is part of the West Estonian archipelago, in the Baltic Sea.
- TallinnTallinn is the capital and most populous city of Estonia.
- PärnuPärnu is the fourth largest city in Estonia and third in terms of the ethnic Estonian population.
- Lahemaa National ParkLahemaa National Park is a park in northern Estonia, 70 kilometers east from the capital Tallinn.
- HaapsaluHaapsalu is a seaside resort town located on the west coast of Estonia.