Recommended: Hepatitis A

🇱🇻 Latvia
Immerse yourself in the picturesque charm of Latvia, a country filled with diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Explore Riga, the vibrant capital city renowned for its stunning architecture and lively atmosphere. From the pristine beaches of Jurmala to the enchanting forests of Gauja National Park, Latvia offers a perfect blend of nature and history. Indulge in traditional Latvian cuisine and experience the warm hospitality of its people.


Current Time
05:24 AM - Europe/Riga

Dialing Code

Driving direction

Wild Camping

How is the Weather in Latvia?
Today in Riga
7 km/h
06:01 AM
06:55 PM
Health Questions


Water Safety
Tap water is generally safe to drink, but bottled water is widely available.

Emergency Numbers
Police: 110
Fire Services: 112
Ambulance Services: 113

Alcohol Restrictions
Drinking age: -
Purchase age: 18
Travel Guides
- Baltic Coastal RoadThe Baltic Coastal Road, stretching from the northern tip of Poland to Estonia, is one of the most scenic and culturally rich routes in Northern Europe.11 stops
- LatviaLatvia, a hidden gem in the Baltics, offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and vibrant culture.8 stops
- RigaRiga, the capital of Latvia and the largest of the Baltic capitals, is both a party town and a cultural center.2 stops
- RigaRiga is the capital and largest city of Latvia.
- Ķemeri National ParkĶemeri National Park is a national park west of the city of Jūrmala, Latvia.
- Cape KolkaCape Kolka is a cape on the Baltic Sea, near the entry to Gulf of Riga, on the Livonian coast, in the Courland Peninsula of Latvia.
- JūrmalaJūrmala is a state city in Latvia, about 25 kilometres west of Riga.
- KuldīgaKuldīga is a town in the Courland region of Latvia, in the western part of the country.
- Sigulda MunicipalitySigulda Municipality is a municipality in Vidzeme, Latvia.
- LiepājaLiepāja is a state city in western Latvia, located on the Baltic Sea.