Recommended: Hepatitis A

🇷🇴 Romania
Discover the natural beauty and rich history of Romania. From the mysterious Carpathian Mountains to the stunning castles of Transylvania, Romania offers a unique blend of medieval architecture, charming villages, and breathtaking landscapes. Experience the vibrant culture, enjoy traditional Romanian cuisine, and immerse yourself in folklore and traditions passed down through generations. Don't miss the vibrant capital city of Bucharest, known for its impressive architecture and vibrant nightlife.


Current Time
12:26 PM - Europe/Bucharest

Dialing Code

Driving direction

Wild Camping

How is the Weather in Romania?
Today in Bucharest
11 km/h
06:48 AM
06:06 PM
Health Questions


Water Safety
Tap water is generally not safe to drink, but bottled water is widely available.

Emergency Numbers
Police: 112
Fire Services: 112
Ambulance Services: 112

Alcohol Restrictions
Drinking age: -
Purchase age: 18
Travel Guides
- BucharestAfter trips to Eastern Europe such as Prague or Budapest have become more and more popular in recent years, Bucharest is now also attracting more and more travellers.One stop
- Transfăgărășan, RomaniaThe Transfăgărășan, also known as DN7C, is a spectacular road in Romania that stretches over 90 kilometers (56 miles) through the Carpathian Mountains.7 stops
- Hungary & Romania Road Trip Itinerary 🚙🇭🇺🇷🇴Discover the charm of Central and Eastern Europe with this 2-3 week itinerary.13 stops
- BucharestBucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania.
- SibiuSibiu is a city in central Romania, situated in the historical region of Transylvania.
- MaramureșȘișești is a commune in Maramureș County, Romania.
- OradeaOradea is a city in Romania, located in the Crișana region.
- Cluj-NapocaCluj-Napoca, or simply Cluj, is a city in northwestern Romania.
- ViscriThe Viscri fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Viscri (Deutsch-Weisskirch), Brașov County, in the Transylvania region of Romania.
- Vidraru DamVidraru Dam is a dam in Romania.
- Bâlea LakeBâlea Lake is a glacier lake situated at an altitude of 2,034 m (6,673 ft) in the Făgăraș Mountains, in central Romania, near Cârțișoara, Sibiu County.