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Croatia holidays without beaches and crystal clear water? You probably haven't thought about that yet, but the mainland also knows how to convince - with its beautiful capital. Zagreb is home to a quarter of the Croatian population, approximately 1 million people, and is often referred to as The City of Million Hearts. From #culture, #art, #architecture and unique gastronomy, #zagreb has a wealth of specialties in store for you. The capital is perfect for a city trip into the culture of #croatia.

Best travel time for Zagreb

The climate and weather in Zagreb is humid and moderate. The temperature differences between the summer and winter months are significant. Temperatures in summer often reach 30°C and in winter they are usually below freezing.

The best time to travel to Zagreb is from April to September and offers the best conditions for exploring the city on your own.

City centre Kaptol

The city centre #Kaptol is the heart of Zagreb and connects the upper and lower city with Ban Jelacic Square (the most central place in Zagreb). Surrounded by the beautiful Austro-Hungarian architecture, you will walk through small cobblestone streets past shops, cafés and restaurants. 

In this part of town you will find one of the most important landmarks, the cathedral of Zagreb. Built in the 13th century, this beautiful church has been restored and maintained over the years. Thus, this building is characterized by a mixture of different architectural styles, which make the cathedral a unique building. In front of it there is a Madonna fountain, which can hardly be overlooked because of its four golden angels and a golden statue of the Virgin Mary.

Nearby, the Dolac Market of Zagreb will immediately catch your eye. You can't miss the many red umbrellas above the individual stands. At this place you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the daily life of the locals, buy fresh fruit or enjoy a coffee. Once your shopping mood has been set in motion, you can also reach the famous shopping mile Ilica from here.

Upper town Gornji Grad

The upper town of Zagreb, Gornji Grad, can be reached by a funicular railway, which connects this part of the city with the lower town. You should visit one of the steepest and shortest funiculars in the world. Together with the city centre of Kaptol, the upper town, which is situated on a hill, forms the older part of Zagreb.

The landmark of this part of the city, St. Mark's Church on St. Mark's Square, is what you should definitely include on your itinerary for a tour of the Upper City. The striking roof of the church is decorated with the coat of arms of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slovania, as well as with the city arms of Zagreb. You can also admire the parliament building of Zagreb on site.

Not far from St. Mark's Church, you will come across the largest building in the city, the Lotrscak Tower. At this former fortified tower, a shot is traditionally fired every day at lunchtime. For a small entrance fee you can not only visit the tower from the inside, including the exhibited works of art, but also climb it.

Just outside the city centre is the Mirogoj cemetery, which is located at the foothills of the Medvednica Mountains and can be easily reached by public transport. Due to its special park and some impressive architectural buildings, it is one of the city's special features.

Lower town Donji Grad

The lower town of Donji Grad was formed by a settlement that lasted for years. There is a lot to explore in this part of Zagreb. Start your tour with some nice hours in Zrinjevac Park. A huge green area with lots of fountains and small buildings.

Then you can start towards the botanical garden. The park has a great variety of plants and is part of the University of Zagreb. There you can spend a few relaxing hours in the middle of a colourful plant world, because beautiful flowers grow around the lakes. Why not pack a blanket and some provisions for a picnic in a breathtaking idyll. 

Even the probably most beautiful building of the city, the National Theatre, is not far away. You have the opportunity to visit unique performances in the theatre and to admire the magnificent building from the inside. 

Other activities around Zagreb

From Zagreb, the Medvednica mountain range will immediately catch your eye. The nature park is characterized by a varied nature with many hiking trails and is a recreational area for the inhabitants of Zagreb.

At the Jarun lake you have the chance to really let off steam. The lake invites you to endless walks or a jump into the cool water. Or strap on your wakeboard or water skis and do a few laps over the blue waters.

You shouldn't miss the Veternica Cave in the National Park. On site you can explore the underworld of the region in a special way. Traces and remains of extinct animals will be exhibited and you will feel a mystical atmosphere.
