La Route De L'Opium Du Myanmar
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Myanmar is the world's second largest producer of #opium after Afghanistan and provides roughly 25% of the world’s opium. A few decades ago though, the country was the untouched leader in the production of opiates. Due to extreme poverty and corruption, farmers tend to rather grow opiates than rice, because the financial return is about 17 times higher.

In the past they used a path from the center to the south of the country to distribute their drugs into the world. Follow us on the tracks of the smugglers, experience buddhist culture and enjoy the impressive landscape of #Myanmar. 

Here are some of our highlights: 


Yangon is the country's largest city and industrial center. Until the year 2005, #Yangon used to be the capital of Myanmar. Later the government and other institutions were moved to #Naypyidaw.

The Shwedagon #Pagoda is the most important sacred building and the religious centre of Myanmar. It is considered the landmark of the whole country and is one of the most famous stupas in the world. Built on the heavily fortified Singuttara Hill, the building is throned above the country's largest city. #ChaukHtatKyi Pagoda is another buddhist Pagoda that has one of the biggest lying Buddhas of Myanmar.

The public Bandula Park is almost in the centre of Yangon and was named after General Maha Bandula who fought against the British in the First Anglo-Burmese War (1824–1826). It once was a symbol of British rule, as it used to have a statue of Queen Victoria in the centre, which was later replaced with an obelisk symbolizing independence from the British in 1948.

Old Bagan

Welcome to the valley of temples, welcome to #Bagan, a historical city of the old Kings of Myanmar with over two thousand preserved sacred buildings made of bricks. Explore one of the many temples like #Sulamani Temple, #Manuha Temple, #Ananda Temple or #Thatbyinnyu Phaya and get transported back to the time of the old kings of Myanmar who set themselves everlasting monuments.


Inle Lake

This #lake really is the pulsating heart of the region and has a unique charm and scenic beauty. It is most famous for its one-legged #oarsmen and its amazing floating villages and gardens. A perfect place to relax and explore a different side of this country. You can explore the area and take a boat trip on the lake, rent a bike or go hiking on one of the hiking tracks of the surrounding area. You might take a path that the smugglers back then could have used, too. Close to the lake is the Buddhist temple complex #KyaungDawPagoda. An impressive monument which represents the one of a kind buddhistic architecture.

You thought #wine and Myanmar does not belong together? We admit that Myanmar is not known for its wine culture but at Red Mountain Estate Vineyards & Winery you have an amazing view over the whole area and you can enjoy incredible #tasty wine from the region when the sun goes down. What could be better?
